Monday, May 2, 2011

Mini Notes

Pegs are just about the most versatile craft base. you can stick-em together and make little amimals (reindeer at Chrissy time are my favorite) flip them upside down and make note or photo holders. string them along some craft string or wire and they will hold your Chrissy cards! the best part about them is that they are cheap! Cheap as chips! Cheaper THAN chips actually. I got this whopping pack of 100 wooden pegs from the local cheap variety store (GoLo - how i love thee!) with the intention of making something from them. Here is my first attempt. Magnetic note holders in colourful floral designs! perfect for the fridge or magnetic note board! I just stuck a piece of designer paper along one side of the peg, a flat sticky magnet on the other and quilled a little design for the front! Selling them at craft market for 2 bucks a set - Total bargain craft!

Love it!!


  1. These are adorable!! Love this idea!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment :-) It made my day!
    Sephi *Night Owl Designs*

  3. Lovely quilling. Nice to seeanother Aussie quilling blogger
